Iltaisin kokea auringonlaskun illallinen Agafayn autiomaassa.

3 Arvostelut
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Savor a sumptuous Moroccan dinner under the starry desert sky, immersed in Berber music—a magical Moroccan experience awaits.


  • Auringonlaskun rauhaa Agafayn autiomaassa.
  • Ylellinen marokkolainen illallinen tähtitaivaan alla.
  • Elävää berberimusiikkia leirinuotiolla.
  • Mieleenpainuva kulttuuriin uppoutumisen kokemus.


Experience the Allure of Morocco with our Agafay Desert Sunset Dinner, an evening trip starting with pickup from Marrakech in front of Islane Hotel at 17:00 PM. As the sun begins its descent, embark on a journey through the mesmerizing landscapes of the Agafay Desert. Upon arrival at our desert camp, you'll be greeted with the warm hospitality of traditional Moroccan culture. Savor the rich and aromatic flavors of Morocco with a sumptuous dinner served under the canopy of stars. Feast upon traditional dishes such as fragrant tagines, freshly baked bread, and sweet delicacies, meticulously prepared by our talented chefs. Each bite is a celebration of Moroccan culinary heritage, a fusion of spices and ingredients that tantalize the taste buds. As you dine, immerse yourself in the vibrant rhythms of live Berber music, performed by local musicians. Let the melodies wash over you, transporting you to a world of ancient traditions and timeless beauty. Gather around the campfire and listen as the musicians share stories and songs that echo the spirit of the desert. Throughout the evening, soak in the enchanting ambiance of the desert as it transforms under the soft glow of twilight. The shifting colors of the sky create a breathtaking backdrop for your dining experience, Casting a magical spell over the landscape. Capture the moment with Photographs or simply bask in the Serenity of the desert oasis. As the evening draws to a close, our guides will ensure your safe return to Marrakech, leaving you with memories of an unforgettable Moroccan adventure. Whether you're traveling solo, with a loved one, or in a group, our Agafay Desert Sunset Dinner promises an evening of indulgence, discovery, and cultural immersion in the heart of Morocco's enchanting landscapes.


The experience includes: 1. Hotel pickup and drop-off in Marrakech. 2. Scenic drive to and from the Agafay Desert. 3. Sumptuous Moroccan dinner featuring traditional dishes. 4. Live Berber music entertainment. 5. Campfire ambiance. 6. Memorable cultural immersion experience in the desert.

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